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Why is words sharper than knife?


@Professor, Content writer, News writer | Posted on

Words are Sharper than Knife, is an old saying. The meaning of the quote is that, the words spoken by someone might cause deep pain than a knife. The wound given by the knife is a physical pain that might heal with time, but the wound given by the words is an emotional pain that might not get healed with the passage of time. Words spoken by someone is such a weapon that can neither be taken back, nor can be forgotten. Hence, it is always advised to think before speaking to anyone, your one word might give a more painful wound than a knife.



Blogger | Posted on

Yes,so truely said “words hurt more then knife.The two words used here are “words” and “knife”.It signifies that if our words are not good than it definitely can be compared to a knife as knives are sharp and used to cut things.Words can give deep wounds & these wounds lasts for a long time,whereas knifes can cause physical wound that can be healed after sometime. We don't even recognize the impact words have, until the damage is done…



| Posted on

The phrase "words are sharper than a knife" is a common metaphor used to illustrate the power and impact of language. There are a few reasons why this comparison is often made:

  1. Words can be used to express ideas and emotions: Unlike a knife, which is primarily a tool for cutting or slicing, words can be used to convey complex thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. This ability to express ideas and emotions can make words incredibly powerful.

  2. Words can be used to persuade and influence: Language can be used to convince others to see things from a particular perspective or to take a particular course of action. This ability to influence others can be both positive and negative, depending on the context.

  3. Words can have long-lasting effects: While a knife may cause physical harm that can heal relatively quickly, the impact of hurtful or damaging words can be long-lasting. Words can hurt someone emotionally, and the wounds may take much longer to heal.


Overall, the metaphor of "words are sharper than a knife" serves as a reminder of the power of language and the importance of using it responsibly.