Why it is difficult to come up with a viable public transport model for all cities ? - letsdiskuss
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Zayed Iqbal

Blogger | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

Why it is difficult to come up with a viable public transport model for all cities ?


subject matter expert | Posted on

In recent times as population has started to rise the transportation system of every city seems to be clogging the roads and making the lives more hectic for daily commuters. Even after the relentless efforts of the government, the task of establishing a similar public transport model is not possible in all cities. Every city that you visit is different from each other. The cities have separate connectivity, geographical location, the difference in population and also the economic condition of the people living in every city varies significantly in many aspects.
To build a viable public transport model, it is important that the government gets the right cooperation and space to make advanced transportation like metro and semi-urban railway. Other than that, as the economic condition of the people is significantly rising with the majority of them engaged in some occupancy, people are more interested to buy their own private car. It has been seen that people tripled the rate at which they used to buy cars in a decade. So it becomes very difficult to establish a single transport model for all cities across the country.

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