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Albert Jordan

Senior Software Engineer | Posted on | Sports

Why only US, China and Japan get maximum gold medals in sports events?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

These are the countries who invest immensely in their infrastructure to promote every kind of sports. If you look closely, the USA, China and Japan have some great sporting facility that boost players and Olympic participants, preparing them for the bigger stage well and beyond.

This is not to say other countries don’t promote as much of sport or that they don’t invest in the infrastructure. They do. But there also comes other factors into play. Like, you can’t expect UAE to win Gold Medals right after they build a world class facility for all the participants. It also has to do a lot with a winning culture that has come up after years and decades of winning.

The mentioned countries have been performing well in the Olympics for long. So it has become a culture, regular for them to do so every year. So to sum up the answer in two simple sentences as to why USA, China and Japan win maximum gold medals in sports events, it’s because: - Their incredible sport infrastructure - A wining spirit ·
