Agreed, some of us get “ripped-off” in the relationships we attract. But, where is the flaw, in the person we attract, or in the “self”? That is the question you should be asking and not “spotting fake ones”. If “spotting fake relations” are a concern you ought to be looking within and cleaning up the mess that is attracting “fake relations”.
If you have gotten as far into a relationship as to have unraveled something in it that is fake, you have to have attracted that fake relationship only by the vibrations you have sent out. The only way we attract anything into our lives, good, bad, or ugly it is only through the vibrations we are sending out.
Finally, if you have made it your life’s ambition or your hobby to “spot fake relations” that's what you will always find. On the other hand, if your endeavor is to find a relationship or anything in your life that is meaningful, genuine, and of value begin by being genuine. To be genuine you have got to start thinking genuine thoughts not thoughts of deception and deceit. That is the beginning. Happy “spotting good, genuine relations”.