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Navdeep Singh

Works at Buy and Sell Websites and Domain Names | Posted on | Sports

Why people like extreme sports?


Blogger | Posted on

For me actually it didn't generally begin as "outrageous". Like a great many people. I didn't start my profession on a snowboard dropping into a pipe. It started when I was a little child going down the bunny slants and falling on my rear end a ton.

What begins to happen is that once you start to obtain and ace certain person on foot parts of a game, it begins to get exhausting and you choose to push things further. This movement proceeds uncertainly for a great many people, myself notwithstanding. Life turns into a ceaseless cycle of compelling the envelope to an ever increasing extent. Adrenaline is as addictive on any medication on the planet, and we are an addict for it the same than a heroin fiend.

That being stated, I am no ***** with a desire to die either. There is a component of hazard in any game yet the risk is clearly increased in the period of the diversion we play in extensively. The key is to not go out on a limb. This sounds like unadulterated madness to someone who is outside the rise, as they see for all intents and purposes all that we do as a pointless hazard. To those of us that are not heedless, it is an extremely determined hazard that coordinates with our aptitude level and experience.


Physical Education Trainer | Posted on

Scuba-diving, sky-diving, mountain climbing….. “If you want to dies, there are easier ways...” a voice will come from your parents’ room whenever they’d find you discussing about these extreme sports, often known as “death wishes”.


Of course, our parents would never know what thrill there is in extreme sports and why do we like them. But the question, is do we ourselves know why exactly do we like them? If you are think that the answer to this question is as simple as “adrenaline rush”, then you are wrong. There is much more to the sports psychology than just thrill and adrenaline rush when it comes to extreme sports. In this regard, extreme sports lovers are more than just “adrenaline junkies”.

“Extreme sports helped participants feel closer to nature, more self-aware, at peace and even transcendent. There’s an ineffable aspect people find very difficult to describe, a feeling of coming home.” Says Brymer, a sports psychologist as reported by


Trends show that adventure and extreme sports are getting more and more popular and the participation in traditional sports is declining, which is hard to believe (at least for me).

One thing that most of the extreme sports athlete claim is that they don’t consider extreme sports to be risky. This is the reason that they get the sensations of transcendence through these sports.

Whatever feeling or sensation it may give you, I think the likeness to extreme sports depends on how you define the “risk” associated with them. While some athletes don’t even care about the risk of life, some have a pre-defined notion of risk.


Blogger | Posted on

The motivation behind why individuals appreciate these games are that they are ordinarily played, practiced or rehearsed in free or uncontrolled condition like base hopping and sky plunging. It implies while conventional competitors play in controlled condition like fields and rec centers. Extraordinary competitors need to work and show their aptitudes in free-streaming indigenous habitat. Hence the angles and comprehension of laws of material science and how to apply and utilize them are extremely pivotal for progress.


student | Posted on

There has been some studies that showed the possibility of a Gene that, if you had it, meant you were more likely to take more risks (or at least not see them as as much of a risk as someone without the Gene) - this is an extremely simplified explanation of the study, and wether it's true or not I haven't looked into more.

I like to think that some people feel the fear (which is really just a dump of adrenaline depending on how you respond to it) and go no way. Others, “feel the fear, and do it anyway” :-).