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Content Writer | Posted on | food-cooking

Why people like to eat junk food?

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Junk foods releases happy hormone in the brain, making us feel good when we eat these foods.Regularly eating junk food can increase the risk of being overweight and obese. It can also causes high blood pressure heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and other health problems.

Reasons behind eating junk food:

  • Junk food cheap ascompared to fruits or vegetables.
  • Unhealthy food tastes good because it's packed with sugars, fats, or salt that give it a yummy flavor. The fat in junk food makes it feel smooth and creamy.
  • We can easily get junk food in market.
  • When we are in stress,we need more energy, which make us feel hungry.Then we can eat junk food in 2-3 minutes.
  • Everybody has a certain mood food either it is good or bad.Junk food helps to celebrate in good mood like eating sweets,donuts,pizzas,burgers etc.
  • Low level of sugar in the blood due to eating on irregular intervals. It will make us crave for sweet food. Many sweet foods are junk foods.
  • Junk food always has an illusion of good look and smell,which attract us to eat it.



Student | Posted on

I don't think junk food has the same psychological or physical grip on individuals as alcohol, cigarettes, or other substances do. I haven't observed anyone going through the DTs on quitting french fries. However, we must also accept personal responsibility, which includes acknowledging that missing junk food is not a serious addiction.

Compared to fruits or veggies, junk food is more affordable. You can get a whole lunch of junk food for a few bucks. Junk food is often used as a comfort or calming substance by many individuals. Junk food is also helpful for the human brain's reward system.

People who don't get enough sleep choose to consume unhealthy meals to junk food. Lack of sleep weakens people's willpower and makes them more likely to pick unhealthy foods. We might become fatigued from a lack of physical activity and ongoing idleness. We all turn to junk food around this time, especially sweet snacks.

Drinking is said to improve the brain's sensitivity to the aroma of food. It might be difficult to resist the temptation since junk food always has the appearance and aroma of something nice. You'll just want to consume junk food more and more after you become addicted to it.


Also read:- What are raw food diets and its benefits?