Why there’s all the controversy around new Nike ad featuring Colin Kaepernick? - letsdiskuss
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Vikas joshi

Sales Executive in ICICI Bank | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Why there’s all the controversy around new Nike ad featuring Colin Kaepernick?


Preeti Taneja

Entrepreneur | Posted on

It’s not as much about Nike ad itself as it’s about Colin Kaepernick.

Colin Kaepernick is a free agent quarterback. Back in August 2016, when playing for San Francisco 49ers, he started – what is now an iconic way to protest against injustice – kneeling during the national anthem. Although this gesture stirred controversy across the USA, many extended their support. The debate whether it’s right to disrespect the national anthem and flag, even to protest, took the spotlight. And the mainstream is still debating over it.
Here’s a video:
Following Kaepernick, many NFL players, too, started following the same suite, kneeling on one knee throughout the national anthem before every match. In fact, this way of protest, today, has spiraled across sports.
Kneeling when the national anthem plays is basically a protest against racism, inequality and social injustice—all of which has increased, in particular against black people in the USA, following Donald Trump’s election as President. Due to its mainstream perception, the movement basically comes off as a battle against white supremacists, which, in the political phase, wedges a gap between right and left wings.
In fact, President Donald Trump harshly criticized Colin and other NFL players who started kneeling during the national anthem. Here’s what he said in one of his public addresses:
Unsurprisingly, he also has plenty of tweets against Kneeling. Following the major outrage and high pressure from a section of the society, NFL teams, back in May, introduced a new policy that calls for fines against teams whose players show any form of disrespect during the national anthem.
Now note, Kneeling during the national anthem was/is, in no way, any disrespect to nation’s pride. It was supposed to be a mode of protest against legit problems that have crippled America in the past couple of years. However, President Donald Trump, his supporters and the right-wing media managed to give this protest – in an Indian-esque way – an “anti-national” narration. Whoever protests are disrespecting the country.
Beneath the garb of American Pride and “make America great again”, there’s a very big gap in the community. Their white-black gap is an equivalent of India’s Hindu-Muslim.
Now, the latest controversy against the new Nike ad is the result of the same difference. The Trump supporters and the white supremacists are not against Nike per se. They just don’t like Colin Kaepernick, and few other NFL players, because, well, they have disrespected the national anthem by kneeling to protest.
In reality, much like always, Nike’s ad is excellent even this time. Quite inspiring. Check it out…
But since featuring Colin, a section of the American population has started boycotting Nike. Some are burning the sneakers, others are throwing away their clothes. The Nike ad is all set to air on NFL’s opening telecast.
After the ad was out, here’s what President Donald Trump tweeted:
“Just like the NFL, whose ratings have gone WAY DOWN, Nike is getting absolutely killed with anger and boycotts. I wonder if they had any idea that it would be this way? As far as the NFL is concerned, I just find it hard to watch, and always will, until they stand for the FLAG!”
All being said though, it’s incredibly commendable on Nike’s part to still stand with Colin after all the controversy. Colin has been with Nike since 2011. They could have simply gotten rid of him following his kneeling act in 2016. However, they still stood by what’s right even when it meant upsetting their potential buyers and slowing down the sales.
Perhaps, Indian brands can take a page out of this story. We can’t forget how Snapdeal cut ties with Aamir Khan just because he expressed something legit and personal in an interview.