Would the Supreme Court order really stop people from burn crackers around Diwali? - letsdiskuss
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Amayra Badoni

Student (Delhi University) | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Would the Supreme Court order really stop people from burn crackers around Diwali?


News reporter (CEN News ) | Posted on

Twitter, it seems, has a relevant answer for this question:


Jokes apart, it’s not the first time the Supreme Court of India has woken up like a sleeping dragon at the time of Diwali to check sir pollution in the country. And like previous years, it’s all uncertainty that we they have about the implementation and execution of the laws made against the unprecedented burning of fire crackers around Diwali.

For example,


Now some would argue this time SC has gone about the solution rationally, not banning the crackers entirely. But sadly that’s not how it works in a diverse country like India. Supreme Court’s attempt to have a uniform timing for burning fire crackers throughout the country needs to be revised as not everyone in India celebrates Diwali and burn crackers in the evening of Diwali.

In Tamil Nadu, Diwali is celebrated in the morning, and this time it will be celebrated in the morning of 6th November. That’s their traditional and cultural timing of festivities, which sadly don’t go well with the legal timings SC has come up with.


If SC thinks that the evening of 7th November is going to be the reason of the majority of air pollution in the country, then it is again mistaking the northern India as the whole country. For in Southern states the festive scene is not like that. Karnataka gives more importance to Dussehra than Diwali and is perhaps done with its share of festivities. Likewise, West Bengal’s major festivities is during Kali Puja which does not always coincide with the dates of Diwali.

So, SC’s recently passed law, regulating the timings of burning crackers are going to be insufficient so far as implementation in whole country is concerned.

However, if we talk about Delhi, Economic Times reports that, “Delhi is the most polluted city in the world where pollution levels are 29 times more than the safe levels prescribed by WHO.”

So Supreme Court’s recently passed law can surely be able to check pollution in Delhi and neighboring states if they are implemented strictly, not only during Diwali, but also around Christmas and New Year festivities.