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Ankit Pandey

@letsuser | Posted on | Sports

Yoga is better than gym or not


@letsuser | Posted on


Yoga benefits the mind, body and spirit. Yoga will help tone your body but while it's doing that, it also helps you to be truly in the moment and infuses your spirit with positive energy.

Also Read :- What is full form of gym?


yogacharya at Dwarka Sports Complex | Posted on

Categorizing Yoga and gym together is not correct.

You work out in the gym to burn your calories while in yoga, you don’t burn calories, but restore the energy of our body. When you are practicing yoga, every cell of your body functions to extract and then restore the energy released from the calories and fat in your body.
The same energy which is experienced when you have just woken from a good sleep is experienced during yoga. This is not what happens after a workout session in the gym.
So yoga recreates and restores your energy while gym uses the energy to burn calories.
And as I said, yoga and gym can’t be categorized together, they become incomparable. So I would not say that yoga is a replacement for the gym or vice versa.