Is Punjab government employees paid -double salary- in Amritsar ? - letsdiskuss
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Ahsin Sulmani

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Is Punjab government employees paid -double salary- in Amritsar ?


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

Yes ! Imagine that on a salary day you got not one but two salary from your office? This is what happened in majority of government employees in Amritsar district of Punjab. Many government servants in Amritsar were experienced a sweet surprise when they got double salary for October month, and thought that the extra salary is a Diwali bonus from Punjab government.

But their happiness was only for a short period. Soon after the salary credited in their account, they got a message that the double salary was a mistake. And they instructed not to withdraw the second salary as it will be taken back from their account.

District treasury officer Mr. A.K. Maini sent a notice to head of all the government offices explaining that the two salary was sent by mistake and the employees should not withdraw the second salary. Mr. Maini also told in an interview to PTI that, this mistake was happened not only in Amritsar but also in all over Punjab.

According to Mr. Maini, around 40 to 50 crore rupees was paid in excess to employees in Amritsar alone. And he also told that the reason behind this confusion was technical snag in a software used by government treasury department.

But height of irresponsible act was happened when the salary account of the employees were frozen. Even the accounts of employees who were not received double salary were also frozen. And the government took back even the salary of those who were not received double salary. And during the Diwali government employees could not withdraw even their own money from their account.

Also read - Who is the New CM of Punjab?
