Which vegetables & fruit benefits for omicron viruses? - letsdiskuss
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Pandey Chandan

Student | Posted on | Health-beauty

Which vegetables & fruit benefits for omicron viruses?


For the last two years, the world has been suffering immensely due to the covid 19 virus. Similarly, India too suffered a huge blow during the 2nd wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thereby, it is very obvious that the recent variant called Omicron, which is reportedly highly infectious, has scared the population with the fear of the much speculation of the third wave. But it is to always remember that we have to continue to follow all the protocols to ensure the spread of the virus is limited. Wearing masks and using sanitizer is essential but you must prepare your body and immunity to fight the virus.


It will be best for you to change your lifestyle, follow healthy habits in your daily life, and incorporate the right kind of foods on a long-term basis. People must understand that bolstering immunity does not happen overnight or in one or two week, instead, it’s a lifelong commitment.

This outbreak has taught us that none of the supplements can cure or rather prevent the disease. But boosting the immunity is very essential that one must follow. Antioxidant-rich foods such as kale, strawberry, blueberry, broccoli, pecans, walnuts, spinach, green tea, and others, not only combat inflammation but can also treat unstable compounds. One can include immunity boosters such as ashwagandha, giloy, and Tulsi in the daily diet. Apart from this, one must increase the intake of fresh fruit as well dry fruits because they are rich in vitamin E, vitamin C, and Protein. Tiny fennel seeds are proven to be quite effective against the herpes virus. They are loaded with vitamin A, vitamin C and Beta Carotene for their immunity-boosting properties. Adding fennel seeds to the diet can be of great benefit as it helps to clear the sinus and the respiratory system.

Also Read :- What will happen if I only eat fruits and vegetables every day?


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