Which zodiac signs are saved from the wrath of Shani (Saturn) in 2019? - letsdiskuss
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Medha Kapoor

B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on | Astrology

Which zodiac signs are saved from the wrath of Shani (Saturn) in 2019?


Astrologer,Shiv shakti Jyotish Kendra | Posted on

As the New Year has already begun, everyone is curious about what the planets have in store for them this time.

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And as Shani or Saturn is infamous for his negative image in astrology, everyone wants to stay as much far away from his negative effects as possible. Son of the Sun god, Shani is known for his dysfunctional relationship with his father. If Sun is the god of light, Shani Deva is the god of shade. This is the reason that the Sun is worshipped after the sunrise, and his son is worshipped either before the sunrise or after the sunset.
How will Shani affect various zodiac signs in 2019?
Gemini, Libra, Pisces:
The wrath of the Saturn this year will be not much on these zodiacs. These zodiacs are bound to get good results in their endeavors. This year, Saturn’s cooper stand is on these zodiac signs. People belonging to these zodiac signs are going to get success in their career prospects.
Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn:
The outbreak of Saturn this year can occur in these zodiac signs. These zodiac signs have the iron stand of the Saturn, or Shani upon them, which is believed to be inauspicious. People belonging to these zodiac signs may face filial conflicts and other problems. These people need to worship Shani Deva to save themselves from his wrath.