Why do we worship Shani Amawasya? - letsdiskuss
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Priya Gupta

Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on | Astrology

Why do we worship Shani Amawasya?


Working with Maruti Suzuki | Posted on

According to the Hindu calendar, Amavasya, or the no-moon night, is the last date of the month. The date of Amawasya, hold a major importance according to Hinduism. That’s because Amawasya is the last day of Krishna Paksha. Moon is invisible completely on Amawasya. According to astrology, donating something on Amawasya is very advantageous.

Now Shani Amawasya is even more important as after it, plants get the boon of a new life. Summer ends, and hot days get over, making the atmosphere safe and happy. This amawasya is also known as Hariyali Amawasya (Hariyali means greenery) because we welcome and worship Hariyali or Greenery on this day.

On the day of Shani amawasya, we worship Peepal tree. Sweet fritters of wheat flour are made for Prasad, and worshipers take 108 rounds of the Peepal tree. The thread is rounded up on the trunk of the tree seven times. Worshipers fast on this day. Shani Amawasya comes once in a year and indicates the coming of other festivals. Shani Amawasya is also known as Saawan Amawasya –the no-moon night in the month of monsoon).

(Courtesy: zeenews.india.com)