Why water is wet? - letsdiskuss
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neha goyal

neha goyal

nehagoyal022@gmail.com | Posted on | Education

Why water is wet?


neha goyal

nehagoyal022@gmail.com | Posted on

Water is wet, in the sense of being in liquid form.Water is considered wet because it has properties that give it the ability to make other objects wet when they come into contact with it.It doesn't mean the water is wet,but water can wet other objects that contact with it.Everything we see around us is made of atoms. Those atoms can arrange themselves in different ways such as solid,liquid and gas.If these atoms are packed closely together then it is in solid stase.If they are a bit more loose then it is in liquid state.It they can be very loose then it is in gaseous state.When we say that something is wet, we essentially mean that liquid is sticking to the surface of a material.Water only behaves as a liquid when it has six or more molecules. If you have less than that, it's still water, but it's not a liquid and it doesn't behave like liquid.


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Water itself isn't wet. Wetness is a depiction of the condition of a surface that is in touch with a fluid (like water). At the point when a fluid, similar to water, comes into contact with a strong article, it can make the item wet. All in all, "wet" is a term we use to portray the inclination or presence of something that has fluid on its surface.

On account of water, when it comes into contact with another surface, it sticks to that surface because of its firm and glue properties. Water atoms are drawn to one another (attachment) and to different surfaces (bond), permitting them to "stick" to objects. This is the reason when you contact or dunk your hand in water, the water sticks to your skin, causing you to feel wet.

In this way, water itself isn't wet, yet it can make different articles or surfaces wet when it comes into contact with them. Wetness is a tactile and elucidating experience, and it relies upon the collaboration between a fluid and the surface it contacts.
